Tuesday, November 6


If you know anything about Nintendo you would know that its all about the classic games and joyness of fun, i was wondering online looking for a flash wanna be game samples that most rookie gamefreaks do to as a project or as something for people to enjoy. I came across a site called CAFE NES which enables you to play your classic games ONLINE. Its so bad ass that i just started playing one of my most favorite games MEGAMAN,this blue little guy has me in chains and hot as hell.

NESCafe is a NES Emulator written entirely in Java and will run on any platform. It runs hundreds of the old great Nintendo games and was the first Java NES emulator to emulate the sound hardware.

HAVE FUN BEACUSE I SURE DID MEETING ARIELS PARENTS, we watched the movie "room 1408" and i loved it,expecially the ending. GREAT MOVIE

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