Saturday, January 12


So this year i am going to lift weights and get in shape for the fall or winter that is coming up. Lets just say that i have achieved everything i wanted last year and now its time for new goals and new roads to take.

I will be posting pictures of the before and after and even a guide of my calendar and what I'm eating just to see were/what I'm doing.

Its kind of embarrassing but i know that i can do it, I've watched other people change in one whole year so I'm willing to do the same "if they can do it, sure hell i can too".
This isn't going to make me change my sexuality because that's what my folks think, lol i just think its a great age to build a good healthy Mexican :D

I know this won't change the way treat people because that's something i love about myself,swimming will start as soon as possible as a warm up before hitting the tools.

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