and based on several stories I've heard it seems like all these supporters are getting threats about what they have done scaring some families and angering why the website is not taken down. The reason why courts let this website slip by there actions is because everyone deserves to know the results of prop 8 and has every right to post information about the victors.
Many people don't realize when they donate to a political cause, there are few expectations for privacy. Some Prop 8 supporters still have strong emotions for those posting their home location on the internet.
The whole agenda became personal to many gay/lesbians when there rights were taking and its kind of ironic how str8 people get mad for getting threats and calls about supporting this proposition.
one of the supporters to "no on prop 8" said "its kind of weird how these people are claiming to be victims of hate when there the ones who separated these lesbians and gays families causing anger and sadness and expect nothing to happened"
Thats really how i feel about this prop8 law passed, its totally wrong to tear apart a family who just wants to be together and this website posting information about the supporters of prop 8 are just doing what needs to be done to show what gays go threw for beeing who they are.
"a supporter of prop 8 is finally getting threat's like all gay people do threw out there life and they are getting mad? it makes no sence, what would you expect when you vote to break a persons rights?you expect cupcakes?"
Here are the results of what gay go threw because of people who support prop 8
it you want to protect marriage and family values you also should support "divorce" and shut up if one day you want to get divorce because your partner cheated on you or is a whore. your believes should be respected but if it causes others to suffer in anyway it totally wrong.
Me getting married to my bf will not effect my best friend or my family or the church,its stupid and retarded.Im just glad these supporters are finally realizing what we feel everytime we go out and get harrased.
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