For those who have a Pocket PC and want to know how to tweak it up and what others software goodies i put in my phone in the recent article ,i decided to take the time and look for these programs and give you guys the links.
The list i had was
- Adobe PDF reader
- Office 2007 (with outlook and noteone) Password: worldofwarezupdate
- Divx player
- icontacts
- idialer
- tiny twitter
- SkypeMobile
- pocket NES system
- Microsoft Encarta (not tested)
- Worms Armageddon (not tested)
- photoshop mobile "beta"
Be sure you got enough space for all these programs and also be sure to sync your Phone with Microsoft sync
FOR TREO 750 USERS: Theirs an upgrade version of windows mobile 6 just for you.
WIFI : for your treo is also available and directions on how to install the drivers so you get to surf the web with your free wifi.
PCPHONE THEMES:Yes i know you want to make your mobile look like the rainbow every time you wake up in the morning so we provided some good links for you to see which TODAYTHEMES and SKINS you want to download, My personal favorite is always black
"Black will never go out of style,its so glamorous and fancy."
Please do remember that your phone must meet the requirements for every application, most of these programs i've tested and they work just fine (treo 750) be also sure to back up your contacts and files just incase something happends "one never knows". Be sure to read the descriptions when upgrading to windows mobile 6 because it does have a major requirement.
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