Thursday, November 1

Pokki For Windows 8

November is here and that means the weather is going to start getting a bit colder, chillier, and those pumpkins you got on your porch or doorsteps need to be disposed of before they rot and start smelling like doodie.
Talking about doodie, Microsoft has finally released its new Operating system "Windows 8" which are giving customers a new way to look at how the tablet and ios world operates, the problem is.."They are not to fond of the missing Start menu". So you're asking how do we fix that?

You can't but with new the help of third parties applications you can put it back (sort of). There's plenty of choices for you on the Internet and in the next few months you will start to see more and more creative ones popping up so be patient to find the perfect one. The one I recommend and highly liked was one called "Pokki".

Pokki for Windows 8, which launched not to long ago, is offering a more modern menu experience. Dubbed the “Pokki Menu,” it lets users browse through and find their apps and files, access the control panel, search the web and computer, shut down the device, and more. While these all sound like simple tasks that should be easy for users to find in Windows 8, the SweetLabs team found otherwise.

So not only will you be able to browse your apps but also your programs making it very customizable, surely the best reason why I choose this for my windows 8 tablet. :)

Pokki for Windows 8 beta is available to download for free from the Pokki website.

Enjoy :)

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